Step 1-
ArcToolbox - Data Management Tools - Domains - Create Domain
Step 3 -
Assign your geodatabase as the "Input Workspace"
Step 4 -
select "Text" as the field type and leave the optional fields at it is.
Step 5 -
Then Select the feature class you need- right click- properties
Step 6 -
Select the field needed to be connect the the domain, then in the field properties select the domain you have created.
after it select "Subtypes" - select you field- then click "Domain" button
Step 8 -
Step 9 -
In the "Coded Value" for "code" you have to assign the field value in you layer attribute table and
in "Description" you can type any description you need
Step 10 -
Now you can see you earlier values has been replaced by your domain descriptions
Step 11 -
Otherwise you can assign add new filed and add the descriptions in the domain
Step 12 -
When you add new field for the type you have to select "Text" the in the field properties
"Domain" you can select the domain you need.
Step 13-
Start Edit you layer
Step 14 -
In the attribute table you can use drop down list to select