Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Network analysis

Route analysis - Shortest path

Solving a route analysis can mean finding the quickest, shortest, or even the most scenic route, depending on the impedance you choose to solve for. If the impedance is time, then the best route is the quickest route. Here we are going to perform Shortest Path route analysis. 

1. Open ArcCatalog - Select your road network - Right click - select New Network Dataset

2. Name your dataset

3. Select "Yes" for this step

4. Next

5.  You can select elevation model or without elevation model to perform this analysis. 

6. You have to add data in 10.1 version they have given default data set - select next

7. Either you can add driving direction to your analysis or not. 

8. Finish creating your dataset

9. Open ArcMap and select your created network dataset

10. If you need to add other features of  your road network to be add to the layer your can select YES otherwise select NO

11. After adding your dataset you have to turn on NETWORK ANALYST tool bar.

12. Then you have to turn on NETWORK ANALYST extension. 

13. Go to NETWORK ANALYST tool bar -  select New Route 

14. The select "Create Network Location Tool" to select a place where you need to start. 

15. Add starting point

16.  Then select destination you need to analyse the shortest path

17. Then select Directions to perform analyse

18. Select Move tool to change your destination