ModelBuilder is an
application use to create, edit, and manage models.Models are workflows that string together
sequences of geoprocessing tools, feeding the output of one tool into another
tool as input. ModelBuilder can also be
thought of as a visual programming language for building workflows.
In this exercise I have used ModelBuilder for our last exercise Create Stream Line Network Using Digital Elevation Model in ArcMap. (
Step 1,
Right Click Your Geo Database - New - ToolBox to create new modelbuilder and name as you required.
Step 2,
Step 3,
this is the Model window of the ModelBuilder, once you create a model you have to save it and you can Edit it when you need.
Step 4,
Go to ArcGIS ToolBox and select the Tool you need and drag in to the Model. Here I have used Terrain to Raster Tool.
Step 5,
Now you can see that Terrain to Raster Tool have been added to the Model. Now we have to give the inputs to the Tool. For that Double click on the Tool.
Same as in ArcMap you have to just the data you required and enter required parameters.
Now you Tool containing data which can process to get a output.
Step 6,
Add Flow direction tool, for this as a Input we have to assign Terrain to Raster's output. Same as we did earlier double click on the Flow Direction Tool.
For this as a Input we have to assign Terrain to Raster's output. Same as we did earlier double click on the Flow Direction Tool. (we do not required data for output drop raster)
Now both Tools are connected since we have use "Terrain to Raster" output as a input to the "Flow Direction" (If you press the "Auto Layout" option in the Model's tool bar your Model will automatically arrange in to a order)
You have to run the model to get the output to use as inputs for the other Tools (Before Running the model you can validate the model)
Step 7,
Now we have to use Flow Accumulation Tool to this Model.
Select Flow Direction's output as a Input.
All three Tools are connected together
Step 8,
Now Add "CON" tool to the ModelBuilder
Add Input as Flow Accumulation's output.
Step 9,
Now we have to add stream line tool to the Model, Select CON's output as input to the Stream Line.
Step 10,
Now we have to add Stream to Feature Tool for the model.
Add inputs to the Stream to Feature Tool
Step 11,
Run the model. you will get the output to your Geo database. Add to ArcMap.