Monday, October 9, 2017

How to develop 3D models using Qgis2threejs plugin

Qgis2threejs is a plugin which developed for the Qgis to generate 3D and view over the web browser. three.js is a 3D library for Java.  Using this plugin users can  export Terrain data, image like orthomosaic etc.. or any other vector data in 3D format to browser.

Step 1,

Go to plugin and search for the Qgis2threejs and install the plugin.

Step 2,

Add DEM (either DTM or DSM) which you need as elevation model for your 3D output.

Step 3,

Add any-other layers as you required, here I have used orthomosaic image to overlay over the DTM.

Step 4,

Go to Web tab in the too bar and select Qgis2threejs,

Step 5,

Select coordinate system you required, you can change the map canvas size and other parameters also.

Step 6,

In DEM tab select your DEM as DEM layer, and select overlaying image as Layer Image or you can select any-other image files, and then browse to set path to output folder, finally RUN the tool. 

Step 7,

3D model will open in your web browser (your web browser must support WebGL). Press anywhere in the 3D model and you can see the  Coordinate of the location and the Elevation.

Step 8,

if you are interest in flood model or similar product you can use controllers in the Right hand side, 
in Layer option you can hide, remove the bottom or change the opacity level, and in custom plane you can select color to the plane and change the height according to your acquirement,