Tuesday, November 17, 2015

How to download locations from Google Map

When we need to download required places like hotels, schools or any location best method is to download from the Google maps. 

1. Step

Use following link for Google map


2. Step

Select "Menu" of the Google map

3. Step

Select "My Map" option in drop down list

4. Step

Once you click on "My Maps" you can see your maps if you have created before, to create new map select "Create Map",

5. Step 

Once you created new maps now you have to add required data to the maps, here I wanted to download hotels locations in Kandy district of Sri Lanka. You can select any places according to your requirement. 

6. Step 

You can see available location on the map with names,

7. Step

Then you have to click on the place makes and  select "Add to Map" option to add those locations to your map.

8. Step

  Once you add locations to map those  added Placemarks change in to red color.

9. Step

Once you complete adding data in to your map you can change the name of you map, click on the "Layer Option" in your map and select rename.

10. Step

once you complete adding data to your map you can print this map or you can export map as KML layer which can be converted to ESRI shapefile if you required to use in ArcGIS or even in GRASS or QGIS. otherwise you can display those KML on Google earth..

11. Step

You can display your KML on Google earth

Thursday, November 5, 2015

How to configure GRASS GIS

GRASS GIS is powerful free and open source GIS software which  is an official project of the Open Source Geo-spatial Foundation (OSGeo)

 Users can download GRASS GIS together with QGIS. Use following link to download software.  http://www.qgis.org/en/site/

1. Once user downloaded the GRASS GIS first of all user need to set parameters to the GRASS GIS.

2. To start the GRASS GIS user need to set "GIS DATA DIRECTORY". This location use as DATABASE for the GRASS GIS also call as GISDBASE. To set the location user need to click on the "Location Wizard" button under define new location. 

Browse to location required to store data and then select new project name.

3. Then user need to select the coordinate system required. There are few methods available in GRASS GIS to select required coordinate system. 

using this option user can select the coordinate system from the list provided by the GRASS GIS.

If users does not have clear idea about required coordinate system, using this option users can import coordinate system to GRASS GIS from geo-referenced layer.

once user selected the geo-referenced layer GRASS GIS import parameters of particular layer. following image shows the parameters of "KANDAWALA" coordinate system which I selected.  

4. Once user completed this process just click on "Finish" button and now GRASS GIS is ready to start.

5. Just click on the "START GRASS" button,

Now your GRASS GIS in ready to work. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to Download and Install PostgreSQL to Windows

PostgreSQL is an Open source object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) which highly use to store and manage spatial data. This will work nicely with different operating systems such as BSD, Linux, Mac, Solaris and Windows

You can download PostgreSQl using following link,

Follow below steps to download, Install and  configure PostgreSQL  database,

Step 1,

Use above link to download PostgreSQL

Step 2,

Select your operating system to download required version 

Step 3,

Run PostgreSQL-9.3.2-1- windows.exe

Step 4,

Setup page of the PostgreSQL - Press "Next'

Step 5,

Assign Installation Directory 

Step 6,

Add a password to database which you required to connect database when running the PostgreSQL

Step 7,

Assign Port 5432, then Press "next"

Step 8

If you need to install Stack Builder also you can tick otherwise leave it,

Step 9,

Then run PostgreSQL - "pgAdmin III"

Step 10,

Connect PostgreSQL - then provide given password

Step 11,

Now you can work with your PostgreSQL database - Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Modeling Erosion Using ILWIS

ILWIS is an open source GIS software freely available to download  http://www.ilwis.org/ .
Download ILWIS 3.3 Academic for this practical.

Modeling erosion from pyroclastic flow deposits on Mount Pinatubo

1.       The given data set is to study the phyroclstic erosion of the given area, and  by examine the given data set understand them. The main phyroclastic deposit eroded by the rain water in different rainy seasons. 
The Digital Terrain Models given for after the main rainy sessions of 1991, 1992, 1993 as DTM91, DTM92 and DTM93
Dtmpre – Digital terrain model before eruption
Dtmerp – Digital terrain model after eruption
Catchpre – Catchment before eruption

Catchere – catchment after the eruption     

 Calculate the catchment area changes after the volcanic eruption in square kilometers and fill the following table

Catchment type
Area before eruption
Area after eruption
Changes of area





We have to calculate the Area before eruption and the Area after eruption and the calculate the different between them,

Open ILWIS - Right click on Catchpre - Statistics - Histogram

Step 2,

Histogram shows the details of the  Area before eruption, we required area in square Kilometers, therefore we have to add new colomn and calculate the area by using simple command in ILWIS.

We have to add new column to the attribute table,

Then we have to open the command line in ILWIS,

Then assign values to your new column by using following command (In this practical "Area_km2" is my new column name )

Area_km2 = Area/1 e 6

Just hit Enter,

Then do the same procedure for the "Catchere " data set also and calculate the difference with the Area before eruption.

After the main volcanic eruption the area filled with the phyroclastic material therefore Calculate the total volume increase after the main eruption 

Step 1,

Here we have to calculate the total volume increased,  for this step we have to use Dtmpre – Digital terrain model before eruption and Dtmerp – Digital terrain model after eruption and create new layer with the difference. for that use following command in ILWIS. (Here "Pfthick" is the name of my new layer)

Pfthick=iff(DTMERP - DTMPRE > 0, DTMERP - DTMPRE,0)

Hit Enter - Show - and press ok, 

Then Right click on the new layer and statistics -  Histogram 

we have to calculate the volume therefore we have to multiple Value by the Area, for that we have to add a new column and using command line we can assign the values to the new column,

Volume = Area*Value

After the first rain (1991) season the original situation has changed in to new situation due to the erosion

Step 1,

Total erosion map of the area 

We have to calculate the total erosion of the area, for that use following command,

TotalEro = iff(DTMERP - DTM91 >0, DTMERP - DTM91,0)

Step 2,

Erosion map of the phyroclastic deposit

 Here we have to calculate the total  phyroclastic deposit


Step 3,

Erosion map of the other deposits in 1991

Here we have to calculate the other deposits of the catchment areas,


Step 4,

Sedimentation map of 1991
