Thursday, February 26, 2015

How to Download and Install PostgreSQL to Windows

PostgreSQL is an Open source object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) which highly use to store and manage spatial data. This will work nicely with different operating systems such as BSD, Linux, Mac, Solaris and Windows

You can download PostgreSQl using following link,

Follow below steps to download, Install and  configure PostgreSQL  database,

Step 1,

Use above link to download PostgreSQL

Step 2,

Select your operating system to download required version 

Step 3,

Run PostgreSQL-9.3.2-1- windows.exe

Step 4,

Setup page of the PostgreSQL - Press "Next'

Step 5,

Assign Installation Directory 

Step 6,

Add a password to database which you required to connect database when running the PostgreSQL

Step 7,

Assign Port 5432, then Press "next"

Step 8

If you need to install Stack Builder also you can tick otherwise leave it,

Step 9,

Then run PostgreSQL - "pgAdmin III"

Step 10,

Connect PostgreSQL - then provide given password

Step 11,

Now you can work with your PostgreSQL database - Enjoy!